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Hoofprints on the road to success...

I really dislike New Years resolutions and goals. It's so ridiculous but I always feel pressure from resolutions, even though I'm setting them for myself. If I feel so much pressure from them, why don't I just set easier tasks? My mind doesn't work like that I'm afraid, I shy away from the thought of even the easiest resolution.

Throughout the first week of January, whilst searching for a livery yard, I found myself thinking of all the shows & clinics I could attend once Lady had settled in our new home. So, although I really despised resolutions, I was willing to put a theory to the test. Usually the thought of resolutions or goals filled me with dread, knowing I'd never achieve them; but perhaps the problem was, I'd never created a goal centering around something I was passionate about. I was passionate about Lady and I having a fun-filled 2018 together, so what was the harm in setting a couple of goals to try and reach with her? Tentatively, I began jotting down a couple of shows here and there, making a note of the date and what classes I could enter. Before long, I'd gotten carried away. My list of shows was an A4 sheet of cramped handwriting, hardly any paper visible under the ink. Instead of this list filling me with dread however, I found myself a little bit excited. It felt good to have a list of shows and clinics. I felt like there was a purpose to my riding again and a determination that overshadowed my lack of confidence. I even found myself booking into clinics & a small show, all before I've even moved to the new yard! The clinics I booked into were shocking all on their own merit (for me that is). One is for something I've never tried (side-saddle) and the other is for something that terrifies me to my core...A POLEWORK CLINIC. We all know where poles lead to (and no, it isn't North). No...poles...well they lead to jumping. The thought of which makes me want to faint. But not in a delicate swooning way, where a handsome gentleman catches me before I hit the ground...more in a landing in a crumpled heap on the ground way, hitting a few solid objects as I go down. My point is, I usually really dislike resolutions and goals. But this year I think will be the year I finally hit the goals that have grown with me since childhood. Last week, whilst chatting to another Mummy at Ted's swimming lessons, I found out that not only did this other Mummy ride, but she'd qualified for a Showing class at Olympia whilst pregnant and then competed there whilst also looking after her 7 month old daughter! It really gave me the kick up the bum I needed. Which is why, this summer, Lady & I will be attempting our very first Horse of the Year Show qualifier. I honestly couldn't be more terrified and I have months of preparation ahead of me yet! This blog is going to be lot more equine related from now on to document our journey but I will try and throw in some of my more regular posts, like DIY's and updates on farm life!

Anyone else have any horsey goals this year? Let me know what they are, no matter how big or small! Until next time x

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